REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Understanding REITs and REIT ETFs

2. Advantages of REIT ETFs

3. Advantages of Individual REITs

4. Passive vsActive

5. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

6. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

7. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

8. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

9. Choosing the Right Investment for You

1. Understanding REITs and REIT ETFs

real Estate Investment trusts (REITs) and REIT ETFs are two investment options that can provide investors with exposure to the real estate market. REITs are companies that own and operate income-generating real estate properties, such as apartment buildings, shopping centers, and office buildings. REIT ETFs, on the other hand, are exchange-traded funds that invest in a portfolio of REITs. In this section, we will explore the basics of REITs and REIT ETFs, their advantages and disadvantages, and how to determine which option is right for you.

1. Understanding REITs

REITs are a popular investment option for those seeking exposure to the real estate market without the hassle of owning and managing physical properties. Here are some key things to understand about REITs:

- REITs must distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders as dividends, making them an attractive option for income-seeking investors.

- REITs can be publicly traded or non-traded. publicly traded reits are listed on major stock exchanges and can be easily bought and sold like stocks. Non-traded REITs are not listed on exchanges and are typically illiquid, meaning they cannot be easily sold.

- REITs can be classified into different categories, such as equity REITs, mortgage REITs, and hybrid REITs. Equity REITs own and operate income-generating properties, while mortgage REITs invest in mortgages and other real estate debt securities.

2. understanding REIT etfs

REIT etfs are a convenient way to invest in a diversified portfolio of REITs. Here are some key things to understand about REIT ETFs:

- REIT etfs invest in a basket of reits, providing investors with exposure to a range of real estate sectors and companies.

- REIT ETFs can be traded like stocks, making them a flexible and liquid investment option.

- Some REIT ETFs may have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed REIT funds, making them a cost-effective option for investors.

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of REITs and REIT ETFs

Both REITs and REIT ETFs have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some things to consider:

- REITs may offer higher dividend yields compared to REIT ETFs, but they may also be more volatile and have higher fees.

- reit ETFs provide investors with instant diversification and liquidity, but they may also have lower dividend yields and higher expense ratios.

4. Determining Which Option is Right for You

When deciding between investing in REITs or REIT ETFs, there are several factors to consider, such as your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Here are some things to keep in mind:

- If you are seeking higher dividend yields and are comfortable with higher volatility, individual REITs may be a good option for you.

- If you prefer a more diversified and liquid investment option, REIT ETFs may be a better fit for your portfolio.

- You may also consider investing in both REITs and REIT ETFs to achieve a balance between income and diversification.

Both REITs and REIT ETFs can provide investors with exposure to the real estate market, but they have different advantages and disadvantages. It is important to consider your investment goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon when deciding which option is right for you.

Understanding REITs and REIT ETFs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

2. Advantages of REIT ETFs

REIT ETFs (Real Estate Investment Trust Exchange-Traded Funds) have become increasingly popular among investors who want to invest in real estate without owning physical property. These ETFs offer several advantages over individual REITs, including diversification, liquidity, and low fees.

1. Diversification: REIT ETFs provide investors with exposure to a broad range of real estate investments. By investing in a single REIT ETF, investors can gain exposure to multiple real estate sectors, including residential, commercial, and industrial properties. This diversification can help reduce the risk of investing in a single REIT that may be heavily concentrated in one sector or geographic region.

2. Liquidity: Unlike individual REITs, which are traded on exchanges but may have limited liquidity, REIT ETFs are highly liquid. They can be bought and sold throughout the trading day, making it easy for investors to enter and exit positions as needed. This liquidity also helps to ensure that investors can buy or sell shares at fair market prices.

3. Low Fees: REIT ETFs typically have lower fees than individual REITs. This is because ETFs are passively managed and don't require the same level of research and analysis as active management. Additionally, by investing in a single ETF, investors can avoid the transaction costs associated with buying and selling multiple individual REITs.

4. Tax Efficiency: REIT ETFs are structured as pass-through entities, which means they don't pay corporate taxes. Instead, they distribute their income to shareholders in the form of dividends. This can be more tax-efficient than investing in individual REITs, which may be subject to corporate taxes.

5. Professional Management: REIT ETFs are managed by professional fund managers who have expertise in real estate investing. These managers have the resources and knowledge to research and analyze real estate markets and make informed investment decisions. This can be particularly beneficial for investors who lack the time or expertise to manage their own real estate investments.

Overall, REIT ETFs offer several advantages over individual REITs, including diversification, liquidity, low fees, tax efficiency, and professional management. While individual REITs may be appropriate for some investors who want to focus on specific sectors or regions, REIT ETFs are a great option for those who want broad exposure to the real estate market.

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Advantages of REIT ETFs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

3. Advantages of Individual REITs

Real estate Investment trusts (REITs) have become a popular investment option over the years, particularly for those who are looking to invest in real estate without actually owning physical property. However, when it comes to investing in REITs, there are two main options: individual REITs and REIT ETFs. In this section, we will discuss the advantages of investing in individual REITs.

Individual REITs are the actual stocks of individual real estate companies that own and manage properties. They are traded on stock exchanges just like any other stock and can be bought and sold through a brokerage account. Here are the advantages of investing in individual REITs:

1. Higher yields: Individual REITs typically offer higher yields compared to REIT ETFs. This is because REIT etfs invest in a basket of REITs, and the yield is diluted across all the holdings. On the other hand, individual REITs can offer higher yields because the investor is investing in a single company that is generating cash flow from its real estate holdings.

For example, Realty Income Corporation (O) is a popular individual REIT that has consistently paid monthly dividends to its investors for over 50 years. As of August 2021, the dividend yield for Realty Income is around 4.2%, which is higher than the average yield for REIT ETFs.

2. Better control: When investing in individual REITs, investors have better control over their investments. They can choose which companies they want to invest in, based on their own research and analysis. This allows investors to invest in companies that align with their investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment strategy.

For instance, if an investor is interested in investing in the healthcare sector, they can invest in individual healthcare REITs like Welltower Inc. (WELL) or Ventas Inc. (VTR), which specialize in owning and operating healthcare properties. This gives the investor more control over their portfolio and allows them to make informed investment decisions.

3. Tax benefits: Individual REITs offer tax benefits to investors. REITs are required by law to distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends. This means that investors can benefit from the tax advantages of dividend income, which is typically taxed at a lower rate than ordinary income.

Moreover, REIT dividends may qualify for the 20% pass-through deduction under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which allows investors to deduct up to 20% of their REIT dividend income from their taxable income.

4. Diversification: Although investing in individual REITs can provide better control over investments, it is important to note that individual REITs are not diversified. This means that investors are exposed to the risks associated with the specific company they are investing in. However, investors can still achieve diversification by investing in multiple individual REITs across different sectors and geographies.

For example, an investor can invest in individual REITs that specialize in residential, commercial, industrial, or healthcare properties, and across different regions such as the US, Europe, or Asia. This can help investors achieve a diversified portfolio of real estate investments.

Investing in individual REITs can offer higher yields, better control, tax benefits, and diversification to investors. However, it is important to do your own research and analysis before investing in individual REITs to ensure that they align with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

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Advantages of Individual REITs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

4. Passive vsActive

When it comes to investing, there are two primary strategies: passive and active. Passive investing involves buying and holding a diversified portfolio of assets, such as index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), with the goal of matching the performance of a particular market or benchmark. Active investing, on the other hand, involves selecting individual stocks or other assets with the goal of outperforming the market.

There are pros and cons to both strategies, and each approach may be better suited for different types of investors. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Risk tolerance: Passive investing generally involves less risk than active investing, as it aims to track the market rather than beat it. This can be a good option for investors who are risk-averse or who don't have the time or expertise to actively manage their investments.

2. Cost: Passive investing tends to be less expensive than active investing, as there are typically lower management fees associated with index funds and etfs. This can be a significant advantage for investors who want to keep their costs low.

3. Potential returns: Active investing may offer the potential for higher returns than passive investing, as skilled investors may be able to identify undervalued assets or take advantage of market trends. However, this also comes with higher risk and higher fees.

4. Time commitment: Active investing requires more time and effort than passive investing, as investors need to research and analyze individual assets and make frequent trades. This can be a good option for investors who enjoy the challenge of investing and have the time and expertise to do so.

5. Diversification: Passive investing typically offers greater diversification than active investing, as index funds and ETFs are designed to track a broad range of assets. This can help reduce risk and increase overall portfolio stability.

Ultimately, the best investment strategy will depend on your individual goals, risk tolerance, and personal preferences. It's important to carefully consider your options and seek professional advice if needed.

Examples of passive investments include low-cost index funds such as the Vanguard total Stock Market index Fund or the iShares Core S&P 500 ETF. Active investors may prefer to invest in individual stocks, such as Amazon or Apple, or actively managed mutual funds such as the Fidelity Contrafund.

In general, passive investing is a good option for investors who want a low-cost, low-maintenance approach to investing, while active investing may be better suited for those who are willing to take on more risk and put in the time and effort required to beat the market. However, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, and investors should carefully consider their options and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Passive vsActive - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

5. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

When it comes to investing in real estate, there are two main options: investing in individual REITs or investing in REIT etfs. While both options offer exposure to the real estate market, they differ in terms of diversification, risk, and returns. In this section, we will discuss the pros and cons of each option and help you decide which one is right for you.

1. Diversification:

One of the main benefits of investing in REIT ETFs is diversification. REIT ETFs hold a basket of REITs, which means you are invested in a wide range of properties across different sectors and regions. This diversification can help reduce the risk of investing in a single REIT, which can be affected by factors such as vacancy rates, interest rates, and property values. On the other hand, investing in individual REITs can be riskier as you are exposed to the performance of a single company. However, investing in individual REITs can also allow you to choose which properties you want to invest in and can potentially provide higher returns.

2. Risk:

Investing in REIT ETFs can help mitigate risk as you are invested in a diversified portfolio of REITs. This means that if one REIT underperforms, it will not have a significant impact on your overall portfolio. However, investing in individual REITs can be riskier as you are exposed to the performance of a single company. If the company experiences financial trouble, it can negatively impact your investment. Therefore, it is important to do your research and choose high-quality REITs with strong financials.

3. Returns:

REIT ETFs provide investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of REITs, which can help provide stable returns over the long-term. However, the returns of REIT ETFs may be lower than investing in individual REITs that have the potential to provide higher returns. Investing in individual REITs can also provide the opportunity to invest in properties with higher potential returns, but it also comes with higher risk.

4. Examples:

An example of a REIT ETF is the Vanguard real Estate etf (VNQ), which holds a diversified portfolio of REITs across different sectors and regions. An example of an individual REIT is American Tower (AMT), which owns and operates communications towers around the world.

5. Best Option:

Deciding between investing in reit ETFs or individual reits ultimately depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and diversification strategy. If you are looking for a diversified portfolio with lower risk, investing in a REIT ETF may be the best option for you. However, if you are willing to take on more risk for potentially higher returns and want to choose specific properties to invest in, investing in individual REITs may be a better fit. It is important to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You - FasterCapital (5)

REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

6. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

When investing in real estate, it is important to consider the risks involved and how to manage them effectively. One way to invest in real estate is through Real Estate investment Trusts (REITs). REITs provide investors with an opportunity to invest in real estate without owning the physical property. However, investors have to decide whether to invest in REIT etfs or individual REITs. In this section, we will explore the risks associated with both options and how to manage them.

1. Diversification

REIT ETFs are a diversified investment option as they invest in a basket of reits. This diversification reduces the risk of investing in one single REIT. On the other hand, investing in individual REITs can be riskier as the investor is exposed to the risks of a single REIT. For example, if an investor invests in a single REIT that has a high concentration of properties in a specific location, they are exposed to the risks of that location such as natural disasters, economic downturns, or changes in local regulations.

2. Liquidity

REIT ETFs are more liquid than individual REITs. REIT ETFs can be bought and sold on the stock exchange like any other stock, and the investor can quickly exit the investment if needed. On the other hand, individual REITs may not be as liquid, and the investor may need to wait for a buyer to sell their shares, which can take time and may result in a loss.

3. Management

REIT ETFs are managed by professional fund managers who have expertise in managing real estate investments. These managers conduct research and analysis to identify the best REITs to invest in and ensure that the portfolio is well-diversified. On the other hand, individual REITs are managed by an executive team of the REIT, and the investor has no say in the management decisions. The management team may make poor decisions that can negatively impact the investor's returns.

4. Fees

REIT ETFs charge management fees, which can reduce the investor's returns. However, these fees are usually lower than the fees charged by individual REITs. Individual REITs charge management fees and other expenses such as property maintenance costs, which can add up and reduce the investor's returns.

5. Ownership

Investing in individual REITs provides the investor with direct ownership of the underlying real estate assets. This ownership allows the investor to have more control over the investment and participate in the decision-making process. On the other hand, investing in REIT ETFs provides indirect ownership, and the investor has no control over the underlying assets.

Investing in REITs can be a great way to diversify a portfolio and invest in real estate without owning physical property. Both REIT etfs and individual reits have their advantages and disadvantages, and investors need to consider their risk appetite, investment goals, and investment horizon when deciding which option to choose. For investors who want a diversified investment option with lower management fees and more liquidity, REIT ETFs may be the best option. For investors who want direct ownership of the underlying assets and are willing to take on more risk, individual REITs may be the best option.

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REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

7. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

When it comes to investing in real estate, investors have two options: they can either invest in individual REITs or opt for REIT ETFs. While both options offer exposure to the real estate market, they differ in terms of costs, diversification, and management. In this section, we will compare the costs of both options and help you decide which one is right for you.

1. Trading Costs

When it comes to trading costs, REIT ETFs are generally cheaper than individual REITs. This is because ETFs are traded like stocks, and therefore, they have lower transaction costs. In contrast, individual REITs can have higher trading costs due to bid-ask spreads, commissions, and other fees. For instance, if you decide to buy and sell individual REITs frequently, you may incur significant trading costs.

2. Management Fees

Another cost to consider is management fees. REIT ETFs charge management fees, which are typically lower than those charged by actively managed mutual funds. However, individual REITs do not charge management fees as they are not managed by a fund manager. Instead, they are managed by their own management team, which is funded by the REIT's income.

3. Diversification

REIT ETFs offer diversification, which individual REITs do not. An ETF invests in a basket of REITs, which spreads the risk across multiple properties and markets. This means that if one REIT underperforms, the others can balance it out. In contrast, individual REITs offer less diversification as they invest in a single property or a few properties. This means that if the property underperforms, you can lose a significant amount of money.

4. Liquidity

Liquidity is another factor to consider when investing in REITs. ETFs are highly liquid, which means that they can be bought and sold easily. This is because they are traded on stock exchanges, and there is always a buyer and seller for them. On the other hand, individual REITs are less liquid as they are not traded on exchanges. This means that it may take longer to buy or sell them, and you may have to sell them at a discount to attract buyers.

5. Tax Efficiency

Finally, tax efficiency is another factor to consider when investing in REITs. ETFs are generally more tax-efficient than individual REITs. This is because ETFs have lower turnover, which means that they generate fewer capital gains. In contrast, individual REITs can generate more capital gains due to their trading activity.

Both REIT ETFs and individual REITs have their pros and cons when it comes to costs. REIT ETFs are generally cheaper due to lower trading costs and management fees, while individual REITs offer less diversification but can provide higher returns. However, if you are a long-term investor who wants exposure to the real estate market without the hassle of managing individual REITs, then REIT ETFs may be the better option for you. On the other hand, if you are a hands-on investor who wants to select individual properties and manage them yourself, then individual REITs may be the better choice.

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REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

8. REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs

Investing in real estate can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and generate passive income. However, when it comes to investing in real estate, there are two primary options: investing in individual REITs or investing in REIT ETFs. While both options have their pros and cons, one critical factor to consider is tax implications. In this section, we will explore tax considerations when investing in reit ETFs vs. Individual REITs.

1. Tax Efficiency of REIT ETFs

One of the most significant advantages of investing in REIT etfs is their tax efficiency. REIT ETFs are passively managed and have lower portfolio turnover rates than individual REITs. This results in lower capital gains distributions, which means less tax liability for investors. Additionally, REIT ETFs are structured as regulated investment companies (RICs), which means they are exempt from corporate taxes, resulting in higher dividends for investors.

2. Tax Implications of Individual REITs

Investing in individual REITs can be more tax-complex than investing in REIT ETFs. Individual REITs are taxed as regular corporations, which means they are subject to corporate income taxes. This can result in lower dividends for investors. Additionally, individual REITs may have a higher portfolio turnover rate, resulting in higher capital gains distributions, which increases tax liability.

3. Passive vs. Active Management

Another factor to consider is the level of management involved in investing in REITs. Investing in REIT ETFs is a passive investment strategy, meaning that the ETF is managed to track an index and requires little to no active management. On the other hand, investing in individual REITs requires active management, which can result in higher fees and tax implications.

4. tax Loss harvesting

tax loss harvesting is a strategy used to offset capital gains by selling investments at a loss. This strategy is more accessible when investing in REIT ETFs than individual REITs. This is because REIT ETFs are more diversified than individual REITs, making it easier to find a losing investment to sell. Additionally, selling an individual REIT at a loss can trigger a wash sale, which means the investor cannot take the loss for tax purposes.

5. Best Option

Overall, investing in REIT etfs is the most tax-efficient option. REIT ETFs are structured as RICs, which means they are exempt from corporate taxes, resulting in higher dividends for investors. Additionally, REIT ETFs have lower portfolio turnover rates, resulting in fewer capital gains distributions and less tax liability for investors. However, for investors who want more control and are willing to take on more tax complexity, investing in individual REITs may be a better option.

Tax implications should be a significant consideration when deciding between investing in REIT ETFs or individual REITs. While both options have their pros and cons, investing in REIT ETFs is the most tax-efficient option for most investors. However, investors who want more control and are willing to take on more tax complexity may prefer investing in individual REITs.

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REIT ETFs vsIndividual REITs - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

9. Choosing the Right Investment for You

When it comes to investing, there are a plethora of options available to individuals. From stocks to bonds, mutual funds to etfs, choosing the right investment can be overwhelming. In this section, we will discuss the importance of choosing the right investment for you.

1. Determine Your Investment Goals

Before choosing an investment, it is essential to determine your investment goals. Are you investing for short-term gains or long-term growth? Are you looking for a steady income stream or capital appreciation? Understanding your investment goals will help you choose the right investment for you.

2. Consider Your Risk Tolerance

Your risk tolerance is another crucial factor to consider when choosing an investment. If you are risk-averse, you may want to consider investments that are less volatile, such as bonds or dividend-paying stocks. On the other hand, if you have a higher risk tolerance, you may be more comfortable investing in growth stocks or ETFs.

3. Evaluate the Fees

Fees can eat away at your investment returns over time. When choosing an investment, it is essential to evaluate the fees associated with it. For example, if you are considering investing in individual REITs, you may have to pay a broker fee or commission. On the other hand, investing in REIT ETFs may have lower fees due to economies of scale.

4. Consider Diversification

Diversification is the key to reducing risk in your investment portfolio. When choosing an investment, it is essential to consider how it fits into your overall portfolio. For example, if you already have exposure to real estate investments, you may want to consider investing in other asset classes to diversify your portfolio.

5. Seek Professional Advice

Investing can be complex, and seeking professional advice can be helpful. A financial advisor can help you determine your investment goals, assess your risk tolerance, and develop a diversified investment portfolio that meets your needs.

Choosing the right investment for you requires a thorough understanding of your investment goals, risk tolerance, fees, and diversification. By considering these factors and seeking professional advice, you can make informed investment decisions that align with your financial goals.

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Choosing the Right Investment for You - REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You

REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You - FasterCapital (2024)


REIT ETFs vs: Individual REITs: Which is Right for You - FasterCapital? ›

If you are looking for a diversified portfolio with lower risk, investing in a REIT ETF may be the best option for you. However, if you are willing to take on more risk for potentially higher returns and want to choose specific properties to invest in, investing in individual REITs may be a better fit.

What is the 90% rule for REITs? ›

How to Qualify as a REIT? To qualify as a REIT, a company must have the bulk of its assets and income connected to real estate investment and must distribute at least 90 percent of its taxable income to shareholders annually in the form of dividends.

What is the best type of account to hold a REIT? ›

The Bottom Line

If you're going to have REITs in your portfolio, having them in a tax advantaged account like a Roth IRA is best. If you want a more hands-on option you can opt for a self-directed IRA.

Is there a downside to investing in REITs? ›

Non-traded REITs have little liquidity, meaning it's difficult for investors to sell them. Publicly traded REITs have the risk of losing value as interest rates rise, which typically sends investment capital into bonds.

How do I know which REIT to invest in? ›

When you're ready to invest in a REIT, look for growth in earnings, which stems from higher revenues (higher occupancy rates and increasing rents), lower costs, and new business opportunities. It's also imperative that you research the management team that oversees the REIT's properties.

What is the 30% rule for REITs? ›

30% Rule. This rule was introduced with the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) and is part of Section 163(j) of the IRS Code. It states that a REIT may not deduct business interest expenses that exceed 30% of adjusted taxable income. REITs use debt financing, where the business interest expense comes in.

How many REITs should I have in my portfolio? ›

“I recommend REITs within a managed portfolio,” Devine said, noting that most investors should limit their REIT exposure to between 2 percent and 5 percent of their overall portfolio. Here again, a financial professional can help you determine what percentage of your portfolio you should allocate toward REITs, if any.

How long should you hold a REIT? ›

Is Five Years the Standard "Hold" Time for a Real Estate Investment? Real estate investment trusts (REITS) and other commercial property investment companies frequently target properties with a five-year outlook potential.

Is it bad to hold REITs in a taxable account? ›

REITs and REIT Funds

Real estate investment trusts are a poor fit for taxable accounts for the reason that I just mentioned. Their income tends to be high and often composes a big share of the returns that investors earn from them, as REITs must pay out a minimum of 90% of their taxable income in dividends each year.

Which REIT has the best returns? ›

Best-performing REIT ETFs: May 2024
SymbolETF name5-year return
INDSPacer Industrial Real Estate ETF6.26%
XLREReal Estate Select Sector SPDR Fund3.48%
NURENuveen Short-Term REIT ETF3.47%
REZiShares Residential and Multisector Real Estate ETF3.07%
1 more row
May 1, 2024

What I wish I knew before investing in REITs? ›

REITs must prioritize short-term income for investors

“They pay out stable dividends, provided the properties are doing well,“ says Stivers, the financial advisor from Florida. In exchange for more ongoing income, REITs have less to invest for future returns than a growth mutual fund or stock.

Should you invest in REIT ETFs? ›

REIT ETFs provide exposure to the commercial real estate sector along with the benefits of diversification and professional portfolio management. Income-producing commercial real estate is one of the best asset classes an investor can own.

What happens to REITs when interest rates go down? ›

REITs. When interest rates are falling, dependable, regular income investments become harder to find. This benefits high-quality real estate investment trusts, or REITs. Strictly speaking, REITs are not fixed-income securities; their dividends are not predetermined but are based on income generated from real estate.

What is the difference between REIT ETF and individual REIT? ›

Both REITs and REIT ETFs are structured to pay out dividends to shareholders. And both can generate those dividends through rental income, mortgage interest, or a combination of the two. The difference is that structurally, a REIT ETF is a step removed since it doesn't own property directly.

Which REIT ETF is best? ›

Top REIT ETFsTicker SymbolAssets Under Management (AUM)
Vanguard Real Estate ETF(NYSEMKT:VNQ)$84.7 billion
iShares U.S. Real Estate ETF(NYSEMKT:IYR)$5.6 billion
Schwab U.S. REIT ETF(NYSEMKT:SCHH)$7.3 billion
Real Estate Select SPDR Fund(NYSEMKT:XLRE)$5.3 billion
1 more row
May 6, 2024

Where is the best place to hold a REIT? ›

Is a Roth or traditional IRA the best choice? To be clear, retirement accounts are ideal places to hold REIT investments, as the benefits of tax-deferred investing can magnify the already tax-advantaged nature of these companies.

What is the 75 75 90 rule for REITs? ›

Invest at least 75% of its total assets in real estate. Derive at least 75% of its gross income from rents from real property, interest on mortgages financing real property or from sales of real estate. Pay at least 90% of its taxable income in the form of shareholder dividends each year.

How long should I hold a REIT? ›

Is Five Years the Standard "Hold" Time for a Real Estate Investment? Real estate investment trusts (REITS) and other commercial property investment companies frequently target properties with a five-year outlook potential.

What is the 5 50 rule for REITs? ›

A REIT will be closely held if more than 50 percent of the value of its outstanding stock is owned directly or indirectly by or for five or fewer individuals at any point during the last half of the taxable year, (this is commonly referred to as the 5/50 test).

What is the 75 rule for REITs? ›

The 75% Asset Test

Among other requirements, at the close of each calendar quarter, at least 75% of the value of a REIT's total assets must be represented by real estate assets, cash and cash items (including receivables), and government securities (the “75% asset test”).


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.